Players believe that there is too much help in the remake of Resident Evil 4. The developers answered

Disputes about the complexity of the video game never end. The latter concerns the so -called yellow staircase in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, that is, the paint that the developers applied to some stairs so that it is clear that they can be used. According to some players, this is an unnecessary decision. However, some developers explained that sometimes realism is not the most correct decision.

Alex Rashdy from @13amgames celebrated in his post:

“We had to tell several adults how to keep the controller so that they would not keep him backwards”.

Damion Schubert from Boss Fight, instead, explained that the more realistic the schedule of games becomes, the greater the need for visual offers of this kind, even if they are not very realistic:

“This is one of those illogical cases when realism is less exciting. The immersion measures not how realistic the grass looks, but how much the player is immersed in the flow of events. What violates involvement is that which violates the course of the game, usually because you know what you need to do, but you cannot understand how to interact to do it ”.

Then the developer explained that an attempt to open thirty doors to find the necessary, ultimately violates the flow, because the resulting boredom draws attention to the shortcomings of the simulation. In short, a little yellow paint saves time and does not distract the player from really interesting things.

It would not be bad to make such assistance to the optional.

In the last Lara, Croft was such.

By the way, it would be nice to turn off all kinds of things that interfere with additional immersion and do not need experienced players at all

I put a mod in RE4 to remove yellow paint.

Yes. For example, such as arrows over your head, when you get into them.

Yellow paint still from the farm edge 3 goes

I see absolutely nothing bad in this. Reflaps (not caps, but in general) already filled a thousand and one bump in such moments. Just remember the whole cloud of games from the time of PS1-PS2, where there were no tips and you were forced to rummage every corner, until at some point you found the door or staircase that is not striking at all, merging with the environment. And before, when there were few games, this could go from hand. Now the average player does not have time for this, and in general it is correctly written – poking at each corner would knock down the pace of gameplay. And for me in RE4, he is just perfectly sustained.

So you just need to do so that the door does not merge with the environment and striking.

Like the gaming industry for more than a dozen years and such aspects should be known and worked out for everyone.

The question is why? To make a couple happy "Not casuals", but spend a whole ton of resources on this? Process locations, lighting, and only for this? The plot places that you can’t miss usually are usually not marked, everything works as it should, but you can skip stairs and boxes in the heat of battle, are clearly visible on the contrary. This is called game design. When you have a couple of cartridges in the store, and you notice the box marked with yellow, and the brain instantly builds an action plan. Dodge, run to him, wound up, because there may be a hundred cartridges will save your life. And the same garbage with the stairs. Running away from enemies, you are already on the reflex, noticing the color, you can understand that you can rise there to escape from enemies, for example, or that there may be a cache there.
I went through the game four times, but never annoyed these notes. On the contrary, they helped to better navigate and act more comprehensively. And you can immediately see when you flashed Loku, without the need to poke into each box, checking whether it is possible to break it. I just imagine how much strength and resources it was necessary to spend on the right box in the game to correctly set him up so that the player noticed him, and this is meaningless titanic work. Yellow paint is easier, and the breeds could spend time on more necessary things, for example, optimization. Everyone would be damn such optimization as RE4.

You can make a noticeable box or other important object with many ways without any markings or huge marks.

There is rather a question about – to work out the atmosphere and location or the location or "And so it will do, but for authors we will mark with paint"

Tell me then how to make each box noticeable, including boxes on the shelves so that they were noticed, but this did not catch your eye (already a paradox, figure out?). And there is a striking example in the game in the prayer lamps on the ceiling and trees, which you will not see without a monthly look at the map. I either do not hear their creak, or he does not rush into his ears, not to mention what to see them. Yes, God, even after I look at the map on the sample location, I don’t always notice them stupidly because they merge with the environment.

Well, I have not played this rubber yet, how my hands reach, I will play, I will look there what’s what, I will say.

Well, of course, the players are held for the mentally retarded

Games where there are no tips you yourself will not play. It’s good to pass yourself to the smart when it is not to refute it)

Games with a multimillion -dollar circulation from Mr. Miyazaki do not agree with you.

which you go with open guides on the second monitor) or the phone, pour hare)

As MSM MSM said correctly

And what games do Miyazaki have without clues? I don’t remember such people at all. There are tips everywhere.

If in the game it was possible to use the environment as well as in reality, then nothing needs to be painted in a yellow color. But the set of actions with the environment is limited. Therefore, it is logical to somehow display those objects with which you can interact. So that the player does not poke from the corner to the corner in search of the object of interaction.

There is no search for an interaction object in the game – there the button is highlighted in a few virtual meters to the place and the place with which you need to interact + on the map will be marked

But the outfits of the game did not clearly explain who painted the boxes from the point of view of the plot of the game, did not fit it into the story – because of which it is knocked out, the cornplant eyes and pulls out of immersion, hence a lot of disputes

Only lovers of solving the shied balls are indignant

Well, do not notice the stairs so that they need to be labeled with paint – this already needs to be completely disabled. You just need to do so that all sorts of such stairs, doors and the like are emphasized in the game organically – for example, with a lantern located nearby, the direction of light and the like things, and not stupidly paint.

Also, other interactions can be immediately made understandable, but organic.

Or give a normal, non -attached management. All the same it is stupidly joker with tentacles.

I think that if it were not for these yellow solders, then there would be a lot of problems in the passage of most games, especially now, when the graphics in games are sometimes not distinguishable from reality, it is difficult to find what is needed for further promotion in the plot.

Unfortunately, the graphics have not yet reached the level of reality, when most of 1060 still have cards, what reality is)))

I generally have 760 and all the shadows and so on – turned off.

I play like a PS3 game, only on a computer 🙂

The current fuckers themselves will not be able to understand how and what to do. So you have to mark everything and tell.

It is not clear with sarcasm it is said or not. But they can, now there are more and more games with the open world and "average" The player has not experienced problems for a long time where and how to go. Although if in your environment "Eblanchiki" Then it makes no sense to argue something further.

And you did not think that since something is not clear to you, then you should not answer then, m?)

What kind of category average player? This is something slightly higher than the standing strip worm? Ovulya? Teenager imbecile?

Some kind of my environment. fucking people, just don’t talk better.

Better developers would make this "Help" selective (v. And off. in the options of the game), otherwise they want to help everyone too much (sho where you need to break and find).

It’s like with an atreus in the year of OF VARA Ragnarok, he also forever prompted everything, preventing himself from thinking

There should be an option in such games:./Off. Hints in the game settings.

Well, this can still be considered a stylistic solution to give the visual a game more recognition.

And the fact that the boxes must be cleaned from this rubbish no one said there? And what is realism, the game is already too simple, but you are already specifically shown that you are a five -year -old.

Why then players discuss the same topic again? Ah, now the incision answered, there are differences.

Well, there are about boxes, but here about the stairs)

Due to 2 percent of the recent treats all players as with children 6 flyers, and the rest should say, well, okay. These options should be disconnected separately, that’s a simple solution to the issue.

And what will they explain endless ammunition at the gun on the trolley?

Setting a spectacular moment, for example.

It seems that no one is embarrassing that the rubber 4 is generally a real casual toe.
Things are stored either in barrels, then in boxes, then the treasures lie in open -air chests, as in a supermario on a dandy. You run, collect coins and knock them out of the boxes.
This game does not pull on a serious action movie, but as a Kazualka will do it quite, I played for almost 200 hours in it.

And I think it’s good when you got confused where you go, and then the OP and the stairs are marked where the rightly grumbling gamers are as much

We had to tell several adults how to keep the controller so that they would not keep him backward

And Nekher generally keep him so adults, let them hold what they are used to.

This is called obscene behavior 🙂

If you hold in your hand that these adults are used to holding 🙂

For example, with small boxes, this is very useful, because there are many decorative objects in the game and it is not always clear which of the boxes can be rareded. And so, in fact, he quickly collected and went on, as the game encourages quick passage to open bonus accessories for passing on s+. Purely my experience with the game

Just make normal physics so that all the boxes break, and there it is already constructively highlighting the boxes, so that through the Ha number of time a person understands that it makes sense to break and what is not. Why is the head then?) Let them think.

You played Half Life?

there are all boxes = one texture. And the player holled all the boxes that he saw, for the sake of cartridges or first -aid kit.

Agree with "players"; too much striking, especially when "You play for the soul" leisurely. But it seems like a mod of a mod that removes yellow paint on Nexus. Although there is also a white one where there is.

Yes, there is still a choice: 1. In general without tags; 2. Loric light marks; 3. Noticeable bloody marks.

"An attempt to open thirty doors to find the necessary, ultimately violates the flow, because the resulting boredom draws attention to the disadvantages of the simulation"

This developer in Silent Hill did not play something!?

Yes, and in The Evil Within there were no drops on boxes, barrels and stairs and played quite wonderful

At first they fill the location with 10 staircases and 40 doors, and then mark among them the only one that you can use 😁

This is a game and not a life simulator to walk and poke into each ledge checking it interactive or not

Why are they spilled there yellow paint on the stairs? Where did they drag her there, to paint the roof or something?

The problem is rather not in games, but in players, who apparently became stupid. Although, as noticed earlier in the comments, you can and should make clues and should be made optional. So that both smart and stupid players are interested in playing. Morovind used to be somehow. Yes, I myself passed it myself about a couple of years ago. Reasonable level of game complexity stimulates the player to think about research.

You can add realism itself. Book a zombie? Everything, you are infected and doomed. Start a new game.)

But there is no zombie in re 4, and Leon is infected from the very beginning

Not immediately, only after his Wasserman is driving.

Yes, just shkolota is not used to the challenges. That’s all now and fear hype.

I remember in 4 folche quest “Find a cat” and a marker with it on the map🤦🏻 Alexander

I have not noticed a lot of this) unless it was a little in a remake) there was also so easy, well, you can open a card)

Strain these tips for morons, it’s a pity they do not optionally turn off.

I had to download from the Nexus Mod so that you turn off this diarrhea. I don’t understand, it’s hard to make a clock = off? I recall before there were games that they will ask the player 100,500 times = you want that, you want to, but here they come up with a million excuses, but not to do it (although again the modern ones have proved that it is easy to do).

“We had to tell several adults how to keep the controller so that they would not keep him backwards”.

And many also said that they added a thicket of bolts, which is very real -rewarded, to replace the mortar. Only in fact, most do not use them. As for me, this weapon turned out to be very fig, even with the final pumping. Which simply increases the number of bolts, and the resources for it are very demanding. Why added? I don’t understand the reason. Yes, you can collect bolts back, only meaning?

I’m even sigred by making the enemy, with a shot in the head on a professional, you need to literally take 3-4 shots in the head. In the original, any enemy is staggers when shooting in the head, or in the leg. If their chattering is realism, then that then the enemy does not staggers from the shot at least? And they say this – that sometimes realism is not the most correct solution.

Damion Schubert from Boss Fight, instead, explained that the more realistic the schedule of games becomes, the greater the need for visual offers of this kind, even if they are not very realistic:

“This is one of those illogical cases when realism is less exciting. The immersion measures not how realistic the grass looks, but how much the player is immersed in the flow of events. What violates involvement is that which violates the course of the game, usually because you know what you need to do, but you cannot understand how to interact to do it ”.

I don’t know what to say about this. Realism is of course not only graphics, I agree. But this also applies to gameplayo, when you shoot someone in the leg, of course the person will be puzzled, and of course he hurts, for which the enemy should act more respectively. Let’s even say the plug is inside the body, and it ignores the heads of carriers. Only the joke is that some types of plugs are desperately dependent on the body of their carriers. At least shots in the head, they should be staggen. Destroy your head, die out and plug. And I still did not bring an analogy with how Wesker from the secret room, which did not understand where, at the speed of light, helped Ada, then returned back, then returned to the island, threatening Ada, and then returned to the room again. Yes, with such force, in RE5 remake, it should be 50 times faster, and kill Chris without problems. In the original, hell acted more independent. She is a mercenary, not a princess. If she could not cope with the task, this will do the krauser. And what the hell is the original to run to the island in the original? As for me, in the original Wesker was a more intelligent puppeteer. And in a remake, he was made universally stupid, but universal fast? It feels like he pumped all the intelligence into a super-sila. I do not understand what the dick of the breeds decided to do this with Wizker? Any logic of their plot, and gameplay, sometimes does not make sense.

Then the developer explained that an attempt to open thirty doors to find the necessary, ultimately violates the flow, because the resulting boredom draws attention to the shortcomings of the simulation. In short, a little yellow paint saves time and does not distract the player from really interesting things.

There were almost no them in the original, but this did not prevent people from going further. This help was superfluous. People can sometimes look at the map, and explore the area. I can understand the case "Lead by the handle" player when it is necessary. But this is a game – a horror, here is a game of survival, such an excessive yellow paint is just a contradiction like gameplay and plot. Why is there yellow paint? Why is she an enemy? How and why they smeared yellow paint? As for me, I really find it strange.